10 healthy ways to enjoy Tuesday

Tuesday is always one of those days that seems to be skipped over. 

It doesn't have a claim to fame name, like hump day or TGIF. It doesn't signify the start of a week (Monday) or the beginning of a weekend (Thursday). Heck, it doesn't even have a cool hashtag - you barely see the ole "#transformtuesday."

Emily Freeman's Simply Tuesday disagrees with the weekday's lack of publicity. As do I. This read is about embracing the day-to-day events... the simple things... the Tuesdays of the week. It emphasizes taking time to enjoy God's everyday presence and not solely noticing his grandest gestures; sometimes, the biggest moments appear in the tiniest ways. This book reminds me to take life one day at a time instead of planning away life (one of my resolutions) - the future isn't ours to plan away anyway! 

With all that being said, here are ten simple and healthy ways to enjoy this Tuesday! #CelebratingTuesday

1. Tea time. Wake up, stretch it out and brew a pot of hot tea! It's gonna be one tea-rrific day.

2. Take a trek. Bundle up, grab a friend (or furry pal) and go for a walk outside. A bundled lake walk never fails to leave my family and I feeling energized (and ready to grab a hot Starbucks drink afterwards)!

3. Time to take in. While on your walk, find a bench or an area to sit down and reflect on the moment. If the area is quiet and lacking in distraction, practice meditation.

4. Trade for water. Forgo sodas and sugary drinks today. Instead, spend the day guzzling down water (and green tea)!

5. Tell a tale. Start a new book you've been eyeing or indulge in a new mag... Health Magazine (my favorite).

6. Telephone mom. She's you're number one cheerleader... give her a call and tell her you love her!

7. Treat yo' teeth. Give your teeth their own spa day - brush, floss, mouthwash and whitening strips... the works!

8. Try a trend. Mix up your normal look with a different hairstyle, outfit or makeup look. Follow my Pinterest account for some more ideas to mix up your style: @carolinebrindle

9. Twist on intake. Instead of eating your fruits and veggies plain, throw them in a blender to make a yummy and healthy smoothie!

10. Toxic TV. Ditch the TV couch and get moving. What to do, what to do? Clean out your closet, go out around town, walk, run, meet friends, go grocery shopping (or just shopping in general)!

As always, thank you for stopping by!

*Just an extra note for your laughing health. While brainstorming Tuesday "T" words, my mom wanted me to add "Tickle a friend." You're welcome.  

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