This old remedy is back and better than ever

What goes around, comes around.

Like all quality fashion trends, it seems as though popular health and wellness movements trickle in and out of the spotlight too. Making its way back around (at this moment) is a ye olde remedy that goes by the name of "Epsom salt." Say that three times fast. 

There's a good chance you haven't heard of this so-called "salt." There's a better chance your parents have. And your grandparents, they're 100 percent in the know. G-Ma for the win! So, what is it? For starters, this salt gets its name by being present in saline springs throughout Epsom — a town in England. Although I keep saying "salt," these crystal-like bits are unlike the flavoring we love and adore on our soft pretzels; instead, it's a pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. When flushed with warm water in a tub, this dynamic compound is broken down and said to seep through the skin and into the body.  

Now, the why. Why should we want magnesium and sulfate soaked into our body? Sounds daunting and harmful. First, both minerals are needed in the body — and note that their levels are commonly lower than they should be. While magnesium regulates enzyme activity, sulfate helps with the formation of tissues and joint proteins. Both are necessary to keep the body running smoothly. Because of the presence of this combo, Epsom salt is said to work wonders. Especially if you have aches, pains and sore muscles. Soaking in an Epsom bath is supposed to leave you feeling relaxed and loosey goosey. Perfect for a post-workout detox. That's not all! Epsom salt helps remove splinters, relieves stress, rids dead skin through exfoliation, clears blackheads, soothes skin, etc. It can even serve a purpose in the garden or through household chores. Magic

I decided this all sounded too good to be true. So, after my evening workout, I strolled into the nearest Duane Reade and picked up a hefty bag o' salt for myself. You can find plastic bags of Epsom in most any local drug store, as well as the grocery store. Yup, me, myself and my Epsom. When I got back to my apartment, I quickly filled the tub with hot water and added the recommended two cups of Epsom salt. I sat, soaked... thought about the day/remainder of the week... all with a cup of hot tea in-hand. After 12 to 15 minutes, I hopped out. It may have been the relaxing atmosphere or I could've just be extremely worn-out; regardless, it's now out with the bubble bath and in with the Epsom salt. The bath felt great. Not to mention, the salt I picked out had a lavender scent. Mmmmm.

After a single soak, it's hard to tell if all the mentioned magic (above) took place. That's to be expected. From my own investigation, articles state that if you really want to feel the soothing benefits, you need more frequent Epsom baths. About two to three a week. Still, after bath numero uno, I feel relaxed already – I'll take it.

Have you ever tried an Epsom bath? If so, comment below with your thoughts!


I used a meal delivery service for a week and here's what I learned

Guys, making time for yourself in this "new" working world is tough.

After a long day of work, the last thing I want to do is run home and make a glamorous dinner for one. Especially when cooking isn't my biggest passion to begin with. While I can make a mean turkey, cheese and lettuce wrap like the next guy, the truth is, it gets old fast. There, I said it. 

It wasn't until the second week in my studio apartment, that I found a company who could potentially solve all my bland cooking problems. And boy did they succeed. Fast, healthy, little to no effort (on my part)... and bon appetit, dinner is served. Did I mention they deliver? If you're salivating at the thought of all this ease, let me save you some effort. The company's name is Munchery. And boy will you munch. 

So, I decided to order a week's worth of meals... Because I'm wild like that. I hopped on the website, picked out my very non-Caroline-made dinners, chose the deliver dates/times and hit the order button. Making dinner has literally never been easier.

To keep things on the edge, I tried a new meal each night. From salmon with veggies and rice to Sriracha chicken and quinoa, I was certainly eating well this week. No doubt. Each meal arrived right within the time frame I chose and the delivery service was extremely helpful. Opening my apartment door to those beautiful, bright orange bags gave me life. Dramatic, but true — thank you, Munchery!

Reasons to Order from Munchery:

1. Money. Everything was very reasonably priced. Varying between 7 and 15 dollars, you really can't beat that. In fact, I started wondering if there's even a real need for grocery trips. Especially if you'll spend more money on food that will either A. expire or B. not be as filled with variety and yumminess as a delivered meal from Munchery.

2. Time. This was one of my favorite parts about the week. Being short on time means you run home and throw something together, only to try and get in bed at a decent time. Knowing that a freshly cooked meal would arrive at my door allowed so much more me-time. Before dozing off, I'd catch up on my favorite websites, scroll through social media and even FaceTime the fam. Doesn't get much better than that!

3. Portions. A week of Munchery is like a week of meal prepping, minus the time commitment. With so many healthy and protein-packed options available, it's a win-win. The size of the meals were perfect for me... not too much, but not too little. I never felt uncomfortable or stuffed once *insert praising hand emoji.* Perfect portions, perfect week of "meal prepping."

4. Ingredients. Each meal I ordered arrived noticeably fresh. Folks, what you see is what you get — which I love. The ingredients listed on the label are plain and simple. No insane words that you can't pronounce, no unnecessary additives. They even package the dressings and sauces separately, giving you the option to pour as little or as much onto your meal.

5. Variety. Lastly, and most important for the easily bored, there are so. many. options. Just take a look at their menu. They're constantly adding new meals to the list and recycling through different choices for different days. Try a shrimp salad one day and a pan seared salmon and rice bowl the next. Heck, you can even splurge by adding a sweet ending for only a couple extra bucks.

All in all, my week of delivered meals was a success. I highly suggest it. Now, BRB, need to place my orders for next week. 

Copy & paste the following address into your URL for $20 off your Munchery meals:


11 Facts about matcha and why you should give it a try

Slide to the left... slide to the right... Cha Cha Matcha real slow now.

Caught me — those aren't the real lyrics. Similar enough, the added "matcha" will still make you want to clap your hands and dance.

I tend to hear that "M" word pop-up often in day-to-day conversation. On the street, in the office, throughout the gym... I've even passed matcha sampling stations. Sure, I've heard of this tea a few times, but never enough for it to grab my attention.
In other words, VA isn't as health-trend-savvy as NY. 

I drew the matcha-newbie-line after scrolling through Instagram one evening. What did I see? Pictures of a super trendy, coffee-ish shop that sells only matcha drinks and baked goods. We're talking iced matcha, hot matcha, matcha lattes... even matcha-filled doughnuts and coffee (err, matcha) cakes. Whaaaat. Appropriately enough, the name of the store was Cha Cha MatchaWith raving reviews and that darn cute Instagram, I decided it was a must-see this weekend.

And that's how my Sunday began. I hopped on the local six train and made my way down to Broome Street. Once I landed in the beautiful pink and green blur itself, I stood staring at the menu for a solid ten minutes. To help beat the heat, I settled on an iced matcha. Classic.

After sitting, sipping, typing and repeating, I bring to you...

11 facts about matcha:

1. Let's start out simple. Matcha is a type of powdered green tea, specifically tied to Japan.

2. 1 cup of matcha = 10 cups of green tea. It's basically the superhero version of green tea.

3. Why is it so much better and more powerful? Unlike a regular cup of tea, sippers consume the entire tea leaf... In crushed-up, powdered form. We're not just dealing with brewed water, folks.

4. This means it soars in antioxidant levels.

5. Which really revs up the metabolism. Hello "natural weight loss aide."

6. Also, the amount of chlorophyll in matcha serves as a fabulous detoxifier. It flushes out harmful toxins, all while cleaning out the blood.

8. Matcha's ability to flush these toxins, coupled with a high concentration of vitamins and minerals, makes it the perfect skin protector. In other words, it helps keep your skin clear (and may even hold some anti-aging secrets). Dermatologists even recommend creating a matcha face mask.

9. This super green tea is said to provide three times as much caffeine as a regular cup of Joe. A different kind of caffeine, L-Theanine, giving you a more relaxed boost of energy. Coffee without the jitter side effects.

10. Start guzzling because matcha is an immune booster. This is especially important for those of you heading back to school!

11. It's yummy, bright green, extremely healthy and you can mix it in anything. Give it a try, then comment below with your favorite way to consume matcha.

XOXO - because I love you oh so matcha. 

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