5 real life fitspiration motivators

There's more to healthy living inspiration than fitspo pics.

It's easy to spend entirely too much time scrolling through social media in search of ab-tastic "fitspiration" — fitness inspiration. It's just as easy to get stuck in an obsessive rut by constantly focusing on these pictures. What may have started out as motivation seeking, has now led to body shaming and the declaration of possibly unattainable appearance goals. I mean, who can compete with some of those Photoshopped models? Or weirder, a make-up-painted-on-abs models? Not this girl!

Although I've been guilty of spiraling downward into the fitspo trap (Pinterest can be addicting), I can now say that I've seen the light. That sounds dramatic. But in all seriousness, there are far more ways to increase your health and wellness motivation, as well as keep your spirits and self-confidence lifted, than wasting time by gawking at fine-tuned images. Here's just a few...

5 real life, fitness and nutrition motivators:

1. It's your body. Let's start off with a quick reminder that you live, eat, sleep, dance and breathe in your body. It's your own, personal home — why treat it like trash? For me, this is enough motivation. We're given one body, one life... let's go ahead and tend to it like royalty. We're all Queen Bees here.

Pretty sights on my walk to school. Nature rocks. 

2. Blissful weather. I don't know about you, but I'm 100 percent motivated by Mr. Sun. When the weather is nice and the rays are beaming down, I can't help but lace up my sneakers and head out for a quick run. I'm lucky to be surrounded by fresh air, green trees and safe running routes — simple things taken for granted that many don't have access to. Soak up this recent change in weather (yay, spring) and be fitspired to walk to class or work today. 

3. Disease-free. Living a disease-free life is something we should all want to strive for — if not for ourselves, for our family/loved ones. Outside of genetics, incorporating health and wellness into day-to-day life has the capabilitty to prevent major diseases and/or health concerns. Even the tiniest changes can have a huge impact on our bodies. Swap soda for water, enjoy post-dinner walks, shoot for one drink with the girls, instead of five — take time to notice your unhealthy actions, then take charge.

Workout buddy pictured on the left!

4. Grab a buddy. Hopping straight from a lazy lifestyle into an active one can be quite a challenge. Even if you're a seasoned worker-outer, you might find yourself creating excuses to keep you from hitting the gym (I can relate). To prevent skipping out on a workout, enlist an exercise buddy. Starting and keeping a healthy lifestyle with a friend on-board will motivate you to keep going — you can't let down your sidekick(s). Keep each other on task both in and out of the gym by incorporating a healthy diet too.
5. Swag. Yeah, I said it. Splurging on some fresh swag — running shorts, a blender, trendy sneakers, fitness tracker — is enough fitspo to last you (me) a long while. Let's faee it, getting new workout items or healthy kitchen appliances (as well as food) is pretty darn exciting. I tend to want to use these purchases ASAP. Treat yo-self and be prepared to face the extremely productive consequences. New workout clothes for the win! 

  What motivates you to lead a healthy lifestyle? Comment below with your answers. As always, thank you for reading. :)
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