Health benefits of owning pets

This past weekend I spent some time with my main man and his two, furry pups. Visiting his house and seeing Hanna and Haleigh (dogs, not people) means an obligatory trip to the P-A-R-K for a 
W-A-L-K. Yes, these cuties get extremely excited over a stroll through the park or even the slightest mention of the two words; luckily, they haven't caught onto spelling yet. 
Though I've only been to the neighborhood park a handful of times (and I love every visit), 
the girls make me feel completely accepted on their turf... dogs rock.

(Left to Right Order: Hanna, Haleigh, Reagan -- couldn't leave out my Queen Bee pup!!)   

Aside from being awesome, did you know that having pets can impact your health... in a positive way? 

1. For starters, pets (especially dogs) require a great deal of play time outside. This is a perk for you! Not only are you getting to breathe fresh air and catch some sun rays, but you're also getting to exercise. Walking/hiking, throwing a ball, running and even biking are great ways to get movin' with your four-legged friend. Consider your pet as your very own personal trainer 

2. Pets provide a sense of companionship... they're your pals! Since they can't exactly do for themselves, pets need a ton of attention and to be taken care of constantly (you're very important in their life). Don't worry, this isn't a one-way street. You can bet that if you're feeling down in the dumps, your furry friend is ready to cuddle until your spirit is high again! 

3. Because of the amount of exercise and the constant buddy system developed from having a pet, owners have high levels of serotonin (the happy hormone). Increased serotonin=Reduced stress levels and decreased blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

4. This one is kinda cool. Studies show that if a furry pet is introduced to a child at a young age (as in, they live with them at home), the child's chance of developing animal allergies lowers by 33 percent. 

5. Pets help you be a social butterfly. Taking your pup to the dog park not only creates friends for him/her, but also brings about conversation between you and the other owners. Friends all-around!

Go out and play with your pet! No pet? Play with your neighbors... you'll be feeling fab in no time!


5 ways to make your day healthier

Hi Y'all! I hope everyone had a fun and eventful weekend! 
Now it's time to hop back into the swing of things... which brings me to the theme of this post:

Mondays have the tendency to be a struggle.

Because of this, we {I} tend to eat a couple, extra sugary-snacks and skip out on a {my} post-work, evening run. If you can relate, the madness stops here. Consider this your first, healthy Monday of the rest of your life. Starting the week off on a healthy foot gives you more stamina to conquer lengthy projects, not to mention, you're far more eager (and likely) to keep-up with your health strides. Power through!!

5 ways to make your day a healthy one:

1. Put down the cinnamon buns. Breakfast truly is a vital part of the day (so don't even think about skipping it). It keeps your energy strong from the get-go and leads you to make healthier decisions throughout the day - think of breakfast as the model for how you want the rest of your day to go. Having trouble trying to decide on something yummy, fueling and healthy to eat for breakfast, click here. The options in the article (click on the link) prove that eating healthy doesn't have to be tasteless.

2. Incorporate exercise. This doesn't mean you need to spend endless hours in the gym or attend fitness class after fitness class a day (some days there's just not enough time); instead, find ways to add a little movement in as you go. Whether it's walking to work, heading for a walk on your lunch break, taking the stairs over the elevator, catching up with friends while on a bike ride or doing jumping jacks after every hour after sitting at a desk, take a few minutes each hour to get your heart rate up!

3. Now that we've covered adding exercise and nutrition into each Monday, bring on the sunshine! Sunlight is pretty ole powerful. It has the ability to reduce stress, as well as regulate appetite, sleep and improve mood... all things crucial for a strong start to the week. So, make sure to open your curtains wide and take any opportunity to spend time outside (even when it appears cloudy) - before you know it, you'll be your own sunshine!  

4. Pump yourself up. It's easy to be a negative self-talker. Not only does this kind of talk bring yourself down, but it also results in health problems - and that's just something we don't want. Next time you're about to be a meany, don't! Cut yourself off by instead reminding yourself how kick-butt you are. Throw on your favorite outfit and put on that pretty smile, positivity lowers rates of depression and stress, increases psychological and physical well-being, and also reduces the risk for cardiovascular problems.

5. Last, but not least, stretch it out. Don't feel like you have to be a yogi to get your stretch on. Even the tiniest stretches can benefit your health and well-being throughout the day. Benefits include: increased flexibility, energy level, range of motion (with joints) and blood circulation throughout the body. Set aside a few minutes a day to stretch your body... even if your at work. Looking for some simple and rejuvenating moves, click here.

Feeling more confident about your day? I surely hope so. Feel free to carry these 5 tips on throughout the work week {they're not solely for Monday}. Also, if you have any additional tips for starting your week off health, comment below. :)

Thank you for reading! 



HIIT workouts

On Monday, I met up with my roomie from college and saw my very first Nats game... it was a blast! Everyone was sporting their red and navy apparel, while chomping on hot dogs (including me). Regardless of how suspicious and unhealthy hot dogs might be, I like to think it's merely a requirement to enjoy one when at a ballgame. While watching the players sprint from one base to the next, a great idea for an article popped into my head (no, this will not be about hot dogs)

Have you ever heard of a "HIIT workout?" Yes, no, maybe so. HIIT stands for "High-Intensity Interval Training," but because of the long title, we'll just stick with HIIT. Basically, HIIT is a shorter and more varied workout than say, long-distance running. For example, one minute you'll be sprinting as fast as you can {high-intensity}, then the next two minutes you'll be jogging {interval}. This cycle of sprinting and jogging can last for as little as 15 minutes. Although that may sound like too short of a workout, trust me, you'll break a sweat -- especially if you give it your all.  

First, let me list some benefits of HIIT, then I'll give ya a little something to try on your own! 

Benefits of HIIT
  • Efficient. It's quick and gets the job done (and it only needs to be performed two to three times a week). The excuse "there's not enough time in the day to workout" can no longer be used! 
  • Burns more calories and fat than a long, steady treadmill session. Your body also continues to burn more fatty tissue 24 hours after doing the workout, than low-intensity exercises.
  • HIIT workouts help speed-up your metabolism. Fat is burned, while muscle is preserved.
  • You won't be bored... each workout quickly changes and presents itself as a challenge. Keep pushing yourself!    
  • You can do it anywhere: on vacation, in your apartment or at the park!

Ready to give it a try? 
OK, here are three, different HIIT workouts I found. Each are great and some links even have more than one option. Just click on the titles below (the link is embedded) and get ready to feel the burn

  1. HIIT Workouts for Beginners - This one has three different HITT info graphics to give a try.
  2. 20 Minute Full-Body Workout - If you prefer to workout with a video instructor, check this one out.  
  3. Hit the Ground Running - This website proves that HIIT workouts can be performed in multiple realms (neighborhood run, treadmill, bike, pool, etc.). Find the HIIT that works best for you.

Already a HIIT pro? What kind of workouts do you like to do? Comment below to share! :)

Quick List: 12 Benefits of drinking water

Hello my fit and fab-u-lous readers,

Today I'm merely popping-in on the blog to share what I'm calling a "Quick List." It'll be short, sweet and to the point! Since I've been guzzling down two times more water in D.C. (than I normally do back at home) I figured today's Quick List should be all about, well, water

12 Reasons to drop everything and drink a glass of water:

  1. Low-cal, more like no-cal. With a whopping zero calories, water comes in at the top. The crazy thing? It has the ability to fill you up, preventing mindless snacking urges. Often, these snacking urges may simply be dehydration in disguise. 
  2. Skin-improving serum. Yes, keeping a steady amount of water in your body promotes healthy, glowing skin and prevents wrinkles.
  3. Water expels any toxins that are floating in the body ---> out of the body.
  4. Because the body is composed of roughly 60% water, drinking water helps keep the entire system balanced. What's included in this balancing act? Continue onto reason number five and find out.
  5. Water regulates digestion, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients and maintenance of body temperature.
  6. This one's probably pretty obvious: including water in your daily regime prevents dehydration. Dehydration can have multiple consequences: headaches, weakness, dizziness, confusion, fainting and heart palpations. #Don'tMessWithDehydration
  7. Drinking water promotes weight-loss (and management) by keeping your calorie intake in-check. Before engulfing an unhealthy snack, drink an entire glass of water. No longer hungry? You're likely just thirsty. 
  8. Water protects your cartilage and joints by keeping them hydrated and lubricated.
  9. This one's important for all of my endurance athletes. Water energizes muscles, preventing muscle fatigue. Drink water before, during and after each workout session to keep your performance strong and replenish lost fluids (from sweating).
  10. Water is in lymph, a fluid that's part of your immune system -- this helps you fight off illness. 
  11. Drinking water is a mood-refresher. Even the slightest bit of dehydration can have negative effects on your mood. Stay happy, drink water! 
  12. Aside from keeping you positive and peppy, consuming water throughout the day keeps your focusing abilities strong (also by combating dehydration). 

Make drinking water a priority each day. Challenge accepted? 

If you're having trouble finding ways to incorporate more water into you day, 
take a look at some of my handy-dandy tips:

Thanks for reading! 

5 Active trails in D.C.

Wow, it's already Wednesday. 
I hope everyone's Hump Day has been splendid... 
Stay strong, it's almost Friday!

Mid-Week Tip: There are multiple ways to keep your "A" game alive and power through to the weekend. Here's just a few:
  • Drink water: Dehydration leaves you feeling drained. By incorporating multiple cups of water into your day, you'll be refreshed and sure to shake off any fatigue 
  • Let the sun light in: Take a breather and head outside for a sun-filled walk. A few minutes of sunshine enhances mood, memory and the ability to absorb information.
  • Pack a mid-day, healthy munchie: Everyone needs a little pick-me-up during the day. Grab a handful of almonds, veggies and hummus or non-fat yogurt with fruit to keep your energy UP and tummy satisfied.

Making wonderful memories!
During this past week/weekend, I've spent a ton of time exploring D.C. with my own personal tour guide -- she certainly knows all of the hot spots in town! Since we're both huge fans of keeping active and being outdoors, you can bet we've spent some mean time on the trails already. 

If you're like me, the word "trails" and "D.C." may sound a little, well, opposite. BUT, it's 100 percent true. There are so many great walking/running/biking/hiking trails hidden throughout the city. Each trail has one heck of a view too! If you get the change to spend some time in the city and love to run wherever you are (like me), give some of these active spots a try:

  • Capital Crescent Trail: The Capital Crescent Trail totals to be just about 11 miles long. It starts in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. and travels all the way to Silver Springs, MD. The beginning of the trail runs next to the Potomac River, allowing you to fully distract your mind from running and watch beautiful boats cruise by. 
  • Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Trail: This trail runs by the Potomac River, which was used for transporting coal, lumber and other agriculture products down the waterway (to the market) in old America. The trail totals to 184.5 miles long -- simply perfect for marathon training.
  • Great Falls Park: Great Falls Park is home to multiple hiking trails filled with rocks, water and a many trees (click the link to read about all of them). Each park varies in milage, but the one recommended by my personal tour guide as, Billy Goat Trail, is a 7.8 mile circuit. If she says the trail is "so awesome," then it totally is.
  • Mount Vernon Trail: Totaling to 18 miles, the Mount Vernon Trail stretches from George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate to Theodore Roosevelt Island. It includes views of the D.C. skyline, Potomac River and the Arlington National Cemetery. I'm hoping to hike the entire trail before my time in D.C. is up.
  • The National Mall Trail: If you follow this trail, you're certain to have a great run. From start to finish, the trail is 6.1 miles of beautiful monuments and sights. It's a definite "must." Tip: Pick a time outside of the peak tourist hours; if not, you'll be swerving in and out of crowds for 6.1 miles. 

For more details about the trails mentioned (maps, directions, etc.), click on the name of the trail above. Remember, feel free to tailor the run/walk/bike to fit you... cut it short or double it, the choice is yours! 

Too much sitting is unhealthy: be the last man standing

Hello, hello!

Coming to you live from...a sit and stand (office) desk -- bet you didn't see that one coming. 

The next stop on my summer adventure is the city! I've been anticipating this part of my summer for quite sometime and am stoked that it's finally here. You see, for nearly the entire month of July I'm interning with a wellness company in D.C.. Although I've only been working here for a week, I'm already in love with both the company and the city. Each day, in and out of the office, there's a new task or place to explore... it's all just wonderful. 

I finished my first week as an intern, mastered the metro and discovered all of the nearby coffee cafes... a successful week to say the least!

Ever since my first step into the office building, I've been blown away by the company. Who would've thought there are other people as excited about new salads and Fitbits as I am?! Everyone's passionate about leading a healthy lifestyle and sharing their health knowledge with others; interning with this company is the perfect fit.

Did I mention that I get to wear exercise clothes to work?

Now I'm sure you're wondering 1. What's a sit and stand desk/what's its purpose? And 2. What does this have to do with today's blog post? Let me explain. A sit and stand desk is exactly how it sounds: a desk that you can both sit and stand at to get work done. The desk electronically moves up and down with the push of a button, allowing the user to pick the perfect (sitting or standing) height. It serves the purpose of allowing office workers to take a break from being sedentary for lengthy periods of time. Americans spend half of their day participating in sedentary activity (watching television, working on the computer, etc) -- this is a problem. Too much sitting is certainly not healthy and is linked to many health problems, such as:
  • Diabetes
  • Weight gain
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Shorter lifespan   
Maybe you're thinking this doesn't apply to you since you keep an exercise routine each morning. Unfortunately, this isn't true. If you continue to spend the rest of your day (post/prior to working out) in a couch or chair, you're still contributing to a sedentary lifestyle and are at risk for the health problems mentioned above. The solution? Stand-up and get moving! Something as easy as standing while you work in the office is a healthy fix. Standing while working not only energizes you and improves your mood, but it also contributes to the following:
  • Increases heart-rate (expending energy and expelling calories)
  • Increases HDL levels (the good cholesterol)
  • Weight loss and body size reduction
  • Boosts mood (less fatigue, tension, confusion, depression, stress)

Get to standin'!

Here's an infographic showing the correct way to stand while using a stand-up desk!

Looking for other ways to keep healthy in the office? Stay tuned this month! 


Fourth of July beverages and snacks

Time to break out the red, white and blue decorations and let those Stars and Stripes fly high... 
It's Independence Day, y'all!  

I'm a huge fan of the Fourth. Not only does the day include patriotic festivities, such as a 5k fun run, crab cookouts and fireworks over the river, but it also calls for a little family reunion! Since my brothers and I are all grown-up, we're no longer just a bedroom away; instead, we cover quite a bit of ground (L.A., Philly & Harrisonburg). Recently, it's become tradition for us to reunite during the Fourth weekend at our favorite, little "rivah" bungalow. I cannot wait -- bring on the billowing laughter and epic times by the water! 

In honor of the patriotic celebrations to come, I found it necessary to post some festive (yet scrumptious) snack and beverage ideas. So, I put my Pinteresting skills to work and compiled a few healthy, festive options that are perfect for that Fourth of July party you're hosting or attending! Simply remember: moderation is key. 

1. Something sweet: The recipe 

2. Something fruity: The recipe

3. Something meaty (and a staple for cookouts): The recipe

4. Something for the side: The recipe

5. Something {alcoholic} to slurp: The recipe

Happy Fourth, everyone! 

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