New Year's Resolutions: how to pick and keep them

Happy 2016! Happy New Year!

This year is already off to a fabulous start - my big brother is engaged and I get another amazing sister out of the deal! What more could a little sis ask for? Since the proposal, a mere hour and a half before the ball dropped, all I've been able to think about is how perfect they are together. 
It's all just so exciting *insert cheesing emoji face*. 

A new year is all about new beginnings... a fresh start. I love the thought of starting clean and de-bogged. Whether the tweaks and changes take place on a physical, spiritual or social level, we all seem to have some type resolution that we're anxiously awaiting to take on (me included). Still unsure about what you want your resolutions to revolve around? Take a look at a few of my own, personal resolutions for 2016!     

A few of my resolutions:

1. Blog blog blog. This year I want to take Twenty-Fit & Fab to the next level! With less classes in the upcoming semester (yay second semester senior year), I'll have plenty more time to hit the local coffee shops and write about all things health and wellness. 

2. Hot yoga. I'm very excited for this one. As soon as I get back to school, I plan on diving right into the hot yoga classes offered by a studio nearby. I've always been a fan of regular yoga, but the list of benefits from heated yoga classes are endless. Working on becoming a hot yogi will also allow me to mix up my fitness routine - don't worry running, you're still my #1.   

3. New meals, new me. Being a college student, it's easy to stick to the same five meals each week (five might be overshooting it a bit). This year, I want to experiment with new, healthy meals. If the meals turnout and don't appear to be a "Pinterest fail," I'll be sure to share them with my fit & fab readers. Follow my IG account for more quick recipes I create - @twentyfitandfab.  

4. Be in the moment. I'm really talented at planning my life away. I love trying to figure out my next steps in life and am constantly excited for the future. This year, I hope to be more in the moment and enjoy where I am in life - I'm welcoming the here and now. This is likely easier said than done, especially with college graduation quickly approaching, but I'm still willing to give it a go.  

How to keep your resolution:

There's some crazy statistic that only 8% of people actually end up keeping their New Year's resolutions. This revs my competitive spirit. Let's make it into that percentage. 

1. Write. Write down your list of resolutions/goals and put the list somewhere you won't be able to miss it - bathroom mirror, fridge, key holder, shower, wherever you can't pass by it without reading it. 

2. Support. Get a family member or friend involved in your resolution (and you in their's). Being kept accountable can be an easy way to stay with your plan.

3. Checkpoints. Create different resolution checkpoints throughout the year. An easy way to do this is to write down the checkpoints in your calendar TODAY. Having them already planned out for the year means you can't skip them, right? 

4. Create. Ever heard of an inspiration board? Basically, you decorate a board (poster board, cork board, etc.) with anything and everything that inspires you to stick with your goal. If your goal is to be more healthy, include motivation quotes, pretty (healthy) food pictures or fitness-oriented pictures from magazines. Get creative!   

What are some of your resolutions? How do you plan on keeping them throughout the year?

Thank you for reading! :) 

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