Rainy day reads

It's another dreary day here in NYC and, honestly, I don't mind it one bit.

I've been fairly productive this rainy weekend. Catching up on some overdue workout time, working on self-projects, and running errands to beautify my cozy apartment — all things I keep brushing aside. Yes, I've also made sure to schedule some extreme lounging/Netflix sessions (new New Girl episodes are up, guys). Sometimes you really need time to relax and regroup — this is one of those times. 

Other than completing those common weekend tasks, I made time to dive into a new book, "Power Your Happy." It's a wonderful read for us ambitious individuals and will certainly fuel your fire. Because I've always enjoyed researching/planning my next career steps (even if it's way far out on my timeline), stumbling across this book was perfect for me. I love learning about different career paths and how current CEO's, as well as my other "#GirlBoss idols," got to where they are now. It's inspiring.

"Power Your Happy" was written by Lisa Sugar, the founder of the super fun and well-known site called POPSUGAR. The tone of the book is very real and down-to-earth. It's as if Lisa and I are having a coffee-mentor-sesh every time I flip open that front cover. (Lisa, if you're reading this, I wouldn't be against a real life coffee meet up.) Lisa's words are very wise and promising — making me feel that with an undeniable passion and a strong work ethic, anything is possible. While she writes an overview about her life and her company's background, she also includes great career and life advice — "work hard, play nice" and "never be above learning and gaining experience" are just a couple. Bottom line, "Power Your Happy" is a great read. One that'll likely hit home, especially to my twenty-something readers. There's happiness all around us; learn what powers your own.

Enjoy your day!

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