4 Benefits of hot yoga

Is it hot in here, or is it just... yoga?

One of my Christmas gifts this year was a semester-long membership to a hot yoga studio nearby, The Nest. Easily the best, most used gift yet (thanks mom & dad). Being a fairly cold blooded human with poor circulation, not only do I find the heated studio extremely enjoyable, but it helps me pretend I attend a school by the beach and not by the mountains.

That blizzard didn't slow me down. (Yoga mat bag: Gaiam)
Hot yoga is quite the workout. I'm sure when non-yogis think of yoga, they picture one, big, simple stretching group. Well, their wrong. Kinda. It never fails that I leave class with muscle aches in my arms, legs, glutes, stomach and back - it's a full bod workout ladies and gents (and a stretching group). But really, the benefits of yoga are endless. The heat is an additional bonus.

Rip off those socks, hop on a mat and find your inner zen. Here we go...

(Clothes: Lululemon // Mat: Gaiam)
4 Benefits of hot yoga:

1. Strength and flexibility. Holding a challenging pose for multiple breaths, all while in a heated room, increases heart rate and makes your body work that much harder - this increases muscle strength throughout the body. On the other hand, the hot temperature of the classroom loosens muscle fascia, thin tissue encompassing the muscles, allowing the body to enter a deeper stretch and increase overall flexibility.

2. De-stress. Yoga is associated with relaxation... and that's 100 percent correct. With the calming music, low lighting, heated classroom and end of practice savasana, what's not to be peaceful/relaxing about the environment? By steering your mind away from consuming thoughts or daily annoyances and focusing on the practice, you're doing yourself a favor. De-stressing prevents sickness, high blood pressure, poor eating and fatigue.

3. Detox. Something I learned from my instructor today is that extreme, full-body twists not only increase blood flow (once you detangle), but allow your body to detox. What is "detoxing?" Detoxing means to cleanse the blood - expelling impurities from blood present in the liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs and even the skin. This brings me to my next point...

4. Clear skin. A hot yoga class makes you sweat a little more than if you were moving through a sequence in your apartment. As you sweat, your getting rid of unwanted toxins from the pores of your face, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and clear. Pro tip: don't plan on meeting for dinner with friends after class, you will look rough. 

Ready to give hot yoga a go? Don't forget to bring water (to refuel before, during and after class), a towel, a headband and to go at your own pace.

Namaste ~ 


Motivation Monday: A week of new meals

Last week's resolution was rough.

If you're guessing that I went over my $20 limit, you're very much correct. Turns out, spending only 20 bucks a week on extras is a challenging task - especially if the week you choose to be diligent is the same week you get accepted into grad school (EEE!!) and have to prepare for the snow.
Needless to say, there was some celebrating. There was some spending.

Some of the celebrating.
Some of the snow day-ing.
With this being said, the resolution was helpful in awakening my eyes to just how quickly purchases throughout the week add up. I'm not giving up. I'm hopping back on that $20 horse this week (and many more weeks after) - feel free to join. Seeing as I've spent the past few days snowed-in, this week should go accordingly...

Motivation Monday Week 3: A week of new meals

Food isn't extra, right? No way. As a non-Italian, dating an Italian, I get spoiled with some of the yummiest dinners on a weekly basis. It's a hard life. Cooking comes so naturally to him. In fact, half of the time, he doesn't even need to look up recipes (*mind blown*). Must be those Italian genes.
Me, I'm completely content with my ever-so-frequent bowl of quinoa or oatmeal 'n berries. There's always the occasional Pinterest-meal-date-night and it usually turns out pretty darn good.
I should definitely continue to work on expanding my cooking knowledge.
That's why this week, I vow to cook up one (or two), new, healthy meal(s). Who's with me?

*My Italian, if you're reading this, get ready for a scrumptious date night.

Want to see what I make? Follow Twenty-Fit & Fab on Instagram - @twentyfitandfab 


Girl's guide to a healthy wine night

It's 19 degrees here in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and the snow is coming d-o-w-n. 

The weather man is calling for close to three feet of snow this weekend and us Virginians don't quite know what to do with this information. So far, it seems as though we're following the protocol fairly well - snow shovels are out of stock, the staple foods are no longer on the store shelves and talk about losing power has everyone cooking meals to last for a few nights.

I, and many other college girls in town, took snow preparation a slightly different route. Instead of leaving Walmart with bags of bread and milk, I was bogged down with wine bottles and chocolate (dark chocolate, of course)... snow = wine night, right? 
With this in mind, I decided it was time to write a Girl's Guide to a Healthy Wine Night! 

Let's start with some background research on the main health benefits of wine.

1. Heart disease. For starters, the American Heart Association (AHA) suggests that drinking one to two glasses of red wine a day decreases the chance for heart disease. Maybe you've heard this statistic before or maybe you haven't, but let me dig a bit deeper. It's the polyphenolic compounds present in red wine (and white wine... but not nearly as much) that relax the arteries, helping them keep tonicity and prevent blood from clotting. 

2. Cholesterol. There's HDL cholesterol and there's LDL cholesterol. What do these mean? When you hear HDL, think good... happy... cholesterol. LDL, bad... lame... cholesterol. When LDL cholesterol is built up, the chance for a heart attack or disease increases. In a study performed by National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), both the alcohol and polyphenolic found in wine "increases HDL cholesterol by 12%," helping to remove LDLs and keep healthy blood circulation.

3. Cancer. The same phenolic compounds mentioned above have been found to slow the growth of various types of cancers (breast cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, oral cancer, liver cancer). With that being said, the Journal of the American Dental Association found that antioxidants in wine (there's a ton in red wine) have cancer-fighting abilities. Drink up!     

Now, the fun stuff... some of my favorite, healthy wine night essentials. 

2. Chocolate: Boom Chicka Pop (Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Kettle Corn), Brookside (Dark Chocolate Crunchy Clusters, Dark Chocolate Fruit-Filled), Lindt (Dark Chocolate Sea Salt) 
3. Snacks: Wheat Thins, cheese slices, grapes and fruit, cinnamon-flavored walnuts 

4. Games: Apples to Apples, Twister, Cards Against Humanity... deck of cards in general

5. Extras: Mags on mags, rom coms, onesie, fuzzy blankets (and socks), candles and great gal pals

Comment below with your favorite wine night essentials!  


Motivation Monday: how to save extra money

First weekend back and what do ya know, this little lady caught a flu bug.

With that being said, my big get-out-of-the-apartment moment of the weekend landed me at Target - Harrisonburg's greatest shopping experience. I spent about an hour in the store, wheeling that red cart at a snail's pace and looking at all of the cute, new products. They always have a 10/10 Valentine's Day selection. No, I didn't plan on adding a new, bright pink candle or adorable package of paperclips to my cart - stuff happens. Props to Target's marketing and display crew.

Leaving the store, I thought about all of the times my "shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste" list turned into a "bikini, Essie, wine" list. Welp. Then, I thought about how quickly the real world is a-comin' and how every little bit of extra cash will be fantastic. Imagine if I saved that $20 extra bucks, instead of spending them frivolously (Essie, you are never a frivolous expense). Don't get me wrong, I'm not a crazy, go-buy-everything-I-see kind of girl. I've always been pretty good at saving. Still, those extra unnecessary purchases not only clutter my tiny apartment room, 
but deprive me of a little extra cash.

This brings me to this week's...

Motivation Monday Week 2: Stretch the $20       

We're still coming out of the holidays. Our bank accounts are probably all aware of this. 
We're also just getting back into the swing of things - classes, transportation, grocery shopping (I miss your cooking dad), etc. - which can always put an extra toll on our wallet. But this week is a new week and my Target extravaganza is in the past. This week I vow to spend no more than $20 on "extras." I plan to keep close tabs on where my money is going and save for what's to come...

There's an app for that. Have you ever heard of Mint? Basically, the app keeps track of/categorizes your spending and creates a personalized budget for you. My roomies and I were having a discussion about the app last night - I think I'll give it a try for this week's resolution (and forever). 
Try it with me?  

Motivation Monday: a resolution for the week

I can't believe this is it.

Boy, does time fly. I'm now officially in my second semester of senior year... my last semester as a college girl. As cliche as it sounds, it truly feels like just yesterday I said that teary "goodbye" to my mom and dad in my new dorm room. Since then, both sophomore and junior year feel like a blur. I guess time flies when you're having fun! Now, I'm the BMOC (big man on campus), as my dad would say - I'm ready to take on this last semester and graduate into the "real world."

There she is... isn't she a beauty?
Everyone (well, I think) has thoughts of their "senior year bucket list," including me. In fact, I started brainstorming a few must-dos just the other day. I know this may come as shocking news to you all, but the items on my bucket list aren't the typical wild and crazy college moves. The list mostly consists of simple, enjoyable tasks, like completing campus rituals, seeing the sunrise over our town's well-known mountain top, dancing it out at salsa night and enjoying 
these last 16 weekends with the friends that I love.   

The sunsets at my school never fail to be magnificent.
This idea of following through (with bucket lists and New Year's resolutions) can sometimes seem plain down daunting. Intimidating. Instead of making a full year or semester goal, I've decided to add a "Motivation Monday" segment to TF&F. Basically, each Monday we (me included) will be given a week resolution to follow through with. A week isn't so bad, right? Let's give it a go!

Motivation Monday Week 1: Less mirror time

 Coming back to school and being surrounded by a ton of your-age-humans can sometimes lead you into a comparison rut. It's understandable - with the going out scene, social media socialites, groups around campus, etc - but it's totally not worth it. This week, I vow to spend less time analyzing in front of the mirror and more time getting the already large amount of to-dos done. Change your focus.
Plus, more time spent worrying about looks = less time to salsa dance downtown. Who's with me?

Oh, and don't forget, you're so fab.

(Attribution: cardigansandcookies.tumblr.com)
XOXO, Caroline


10 fit & fab winter essentials

If you're anti-winter and pro-summer, we have a lot in common. 

Regardless of our feelings toward the season, winter is coming in strong.
Instead of completely quitting your health kick and hibernating under a warm ball of blankets, let's both take an alternative route. Together, let's keep with our New Year's resolutions. Let's get through the bitter season in style. 
It's not called "Fit & Fab" just for kicks. 

10 fit& fab winter essentials (from left to right and up to down):

1. Gaiam yoga mat. Don't have the funds for yoga studio sessions? No worries. Buy yourself a durable (and pretty) mat and head on over to this POPSUGAR Fitness article. The article supplies you with different online yoga lessons - most of which are free. Practice finding your zen alongside a virtual class. #Namast'ayAtHome
2. KIND bars. These bars are my favorite. They come in a variety of scrumptious flavors and are made from whole nuts, fruits and grains! Not to mention, they are perfect to throw in your bag if you're planning on a non-stop-go-go-go kind of day. 

3. Kate Spade planner. I'm obsessed. Both with the planner and all-things Kate. It's the best and worst problem to have. Needless to say, 10 out of 10, I recommend the Kate Spade planner to keep your hectic winter season in order.

4. Champion free weight. For me, having a free weight (8 to 10 pounds) hanging around my room is a constant reminder to do something active. Even if you have no time for a long run or a gym sesh, there are so many small workouts you can do with a single weight; plus, you can do them in your room! Stay tuned for some simple, weighted workout routines. 

(Gaiam yoga mat & hot yoga socks)

5. Asics running shoes. Nothing says fun like bright and colorful workout shoes, amirite? Find yourself a fab pair of sneakers this season - one's that you can't resist the urge to workout in. If you're going to break a sweat, you might as well do it in style! 

6. Whish lavender body oil. Wintery-dry skin, BE GONE! Enough said.

7. Harney & Sons green tea with coconut. Ah, green tea coconut is my favorite type of tea to have in the morning, afternoon and night. It carries the benefits of green tea and adds a pop of coconut flavor. Not to mention, these tea bags come in a trendy canister. Convinced? Stop by your local Target and snag a box. 

8. Softlips chapstick. Chapped lips in the winter is the worst feeling. Keep your lip health in-check this season with an easy to carry throw in your purse chapstick.

9. Fun & portable tissues. Got the sniffles, buy a pack of these pug-a-licious tissues. Reads: If you liked it then you should have put a pug on it. 

10. Lululemon active jacket. What's not to love about the Lulu? This high-quality jacket, as well as their other jackets, is perfect for bundling to go on a cold run, lounging in the house or running errands!

Comment below with your winter workout essentials!

Thanks for reading. :)

10 healthy ways to enjoy Tuesday

Tuesday is always one of those days that seems to be skipped over. 

It doesn't have a claim to fame name, like hump day or TGIF. It doesn't signify the start of a week (Monday) or the beginning of a weekend (Thursday). Heck, it doesn't even have a cool hashtag - you barely see the ole "#transformtuesday."

Emily Freeman's Simply Tuesday disagrees with the weekday's lack of publicity. As do I. This read is about embracing the day-to-day events... the simple things... the Tuesdays of the week. It emphasizes taking time to enjoy God's everyday presence and not solely noticing his grandest gestures; sometimes, the biggest moments appear in the tiniest ways. This book reminds me to take life one day at a time instead of planning away life (one of my resolutions) - the future isn't ours to plan away anyway! 

With all that being said, here are ten simple and healthy ways to enjoy this Tuesday! #CelebratingTuesday

1. Tea time. Wake up, stretch it out and brew a pot of hot tea! It's gonna be one tea-rrific day.

2. Take a trek. Bundle up, grab a friend (or furry pal) and go for a walk outside. A bundled lake walk never fails to leave my family and I feeling energized (and ready to grab a hot Starbucks drink afterwards)!

3. Time to take in. While on your walk, find a bench or an area to sit down and reflect on the moment. If the area is quiet and lacking in distraction, practice meditation.

4. Trade for water. Forgo sodas and sugary drinks today. Instead, spend the day guzzling down water (and green tea)!

5. Tell a tale. Start a new book you've been eyeing or indulge in a new mag... Health Magazine (my favorite).

6. Telephone mom. She's you're number one cheerleader... give her a call and tell her you love her!

7. Treat yo' teeth. Give your teeth their own spa day - brush, floss, mouthwash and whitening strips... the works!

8. Try a trend. Mix up your normal look with a different hairstyle, outfit or makeup look. Follow my Pinterest account for some more ideas to mix up your style: @carolinebrindle

9. Twist on intake. Instead of eating your fruits and veggies plain, throw them in a blender to make a yummy and healthy smoothie!

10. Toxic TV. Ditch the TV couch and get moving. What to do, what to do? Clean out your closet, go out around town, walk, run, meet friends, go grocery shopping (or just shopping in general)!

As always, thank you for stopping by!

*Just an extra note for your laughing health. While brainstorming Tuesday "T" words, my mom wanted me to add "Tickle a friend." You're welcome.  


New Year's Resolutions: how to pick and keep them

Happy 2016! Happy New Year!

This year is already off to a fabulous start - my big brother is engaged and I get another amazing sister out of the deal! What more could a little sis ask for? Since the proposal, a mere hour and a half before the ball dropped, all I've been able to think about is how perfect they are together. 
It's all just so exciting *insert cheesing emoji face*. 

A new year is all about new beginnings... a fresh start. I love the thought of starting clean and de-bogged. Whether the tweaks and changes take place on a physical, spiritual or social level, we all seem to have some type resolution that we're anxiously awaiting to take on (me included). Still unsure about what you want your resolutions to revolve around? Take a look at a few of my own, personal resolutions for 2016!     

A few of my resolutions:

1. Blog blog blog. This year I want to take Twenty-Fit & Fab to the next level! With less classes in the upcoming semester (yay second semester senior year), I'll have plenty more time to hit the local coffee shops and write about all things health and wellness. 

2. Hot yoga. I'm very excited for this one. As soon as I get back to school, I plan on diving right into the hot yoga classes offered by a studio nearby. I've always been a fan of regular yoga, but the list of benefits from heated yoga classes are endless. Working on becoming a hot yogi will also allow me to mix up my fitness routine - don't worry running, you're still my #1.   

3. New meals, new me. Being a college student, it's easy to stick to the same five meals each week (five might be overshooting it a bit). This year, I want to experiment with new, healthy meals. If the meals turnout and don't appear to be a "Pinterest fail," I'll be sure to share them with my fit & fab readers. Follow my IG account for more quick recipes I create - @twentyfitandfab.  

4. Be in the moment. I'm really talented at planning my life away. I love trying to figure out my next steps in life and am constantly excited for the future. This year, I hope to be more in the moment and enjoy where I am in life - I'm welcoming the here and now. This is likely easier said than done, especially with college graduation quickly approaching, but I'm still willing to give it a go.  

How to keep your resolution:

There's some crazy statistic that only 8% of people actually end up keeping their New Year's resolutions. This revs my competitive spirit. Let's make it into that percentage. 

1. Write. Write down your list of resolutions/goals and put the list somewhere you won't be able to miss it - bathroom mirror, fridge, key holder, shower, wherever you can't pass by it without reading it. 

2. Support. Get a family member or friend involved in your resolution (and you in their's). Being kept accountable can be an easy way to stay with your plan.

3. Checkpoints. Create different resolution checkpoints throughout the year. An easy way to do this is to write down the checkpoints in your calendar TODAY. Having them already planned out for the year means you can't skip them, right? 

4. Create. Ever heard of an inspiration board? Basically, you decorate a board (poster board, cork board, etc.) with anything and everything that inspires you to stick with your goal. If your goal is to be more healthy, include motivation quotes, pretty (healthy) food pictures or fitness-oriented pictures from magazines. Get creative!   

What are some of your resolutions? How do you plan on keeping them throughout the year?

Thank you for reading! :) 
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