Health benefits of owning pets

This past weekend I spent some time with my main man and his two, furry pups. Visiting his house and seeing Hanna and Haleigh (dogs, not people) means an obligatory trip to the P-A-R-K for a 
W-A-L-K. Yes, these cuties get extremely excited over a stroll through the park or even the slightest mention of the two words; luckily, they haven't caught onto spelling yet. 
Though I've only been to the neighborhood park a handful of times (and I love every visit), 
the girls make me feel completely accepted on their turf... dogs rock.

(Left to Right Order: Hanna, Haleigh, Reagan -- couldn't leave out my Queen Bee pup!!)   

Aside from being awesome, did you know that having pets can impact your health... in a positive way? 

1. For starters, pets (especially dogs) require a great deal of play time outside. This is a perk for you! Not only are you getting to breathe fresh air and catch some sun rays, but you're also getting to exercise. Walking/hiking, throwing a ball, running and even biking are great ways to get movin' with your four-legged friend. Consider your pet as your very own personal trainer 

2. Pets provide a sense of companionship... they're your pals! Since they can't exactly do for themselves, pets need a ton of attention and to be taken care of constantly (you're very important in their life). Don't worry, this isn't a one-way street. You can bet that if you're feeling down in the dumps, your furry friend is ready to cuddle until your spirit is high again! 

3. Because of the amount of exercise and the constant buddy system developed from having a pet, owners have high levels of serotonin (the happy hormone). Increased serotonin=Reduced stress levels and decreased blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

4. This one is kinda cool. Studies show that if a furry pet is introduced to a child at a young age (as in, they live with them at home), the child's chance of developing animal allergies lowers by 33 percent. 

5. Pets help you be a social butterfly. Taking your pup to the dog park not only creates friends for him/her, but also brings about conversation between you and the other owners. Friends all-around!

Go out and play with your pet! No pet? Play with your neighbors... you'll be feeling fab in no time!

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