HIIT workouts

On Monday, I met up with my roomie from college and saw my very first Nats game... it was a blast! Everyone was sporting their red and navy apparel, while chomping on hot dogs (including me). Regardless of how suspicious and unhealthy hot dogs might be, I like to think it's merely a requirement to enjoy one when at a ballgame. While watching the players sprint from one base to the next, a great idea for an article popped into my head (no, this will not be about hot dogs)

Have you ever heard of a "HIIT workout?" Yes, no, maybe so. HIIT stands for "High-Intensity Interval Training," but because of the long title, we'll just stick with HIIT. Basically, HIIT is a shorter and more varied workout than say, long-distance running. For example, one minute you'll be sprinting as fast as you can {high-intensity}, then the next two minutes you'll be jogging {interval}. This cycle of sprinting and jogging can last for as little as 15 minutes. Although that may sound like too short of a workout, trust me, you'll break a sweat -- especially if you give it your all.  

First, let me list some benefits of HIIT, then I'll give ya a little something to try on your own! 

Benefits of HIIT
  • Efficient. It's quick and gets the job done (and it only needs to be performed two to three times a week). The excuse "there's not enough time in the day to workout" can no longer be used! 
  • Burns more calories and fat than a long, steady treadmill session. Your body also continues to burn more fatty tissue 24 hours after doing the workout, than low-intensity exercises.
  • HIIT workouts help speed-up your metabolism. Fat is burned, while muscle is preserved.
  • You won't be bored... each workout quickly changes and presents itself as a challenge. Keep pushing yourself!    
  • You can do it anywhere: on vacation, in your apartment or at the park!

Ready to give it a try? 
OK, here are three, different HIIT workouts I found. Each are great and some links even have more than one option. Just click on the titles below (the link is embedded) and get ready to feel the burn

  1. HIIT Workouts for Beginners - This one has three different HITT info graphics to give a try.
  2. 20 Minute Full-Body Workout - If you prefer to workout with a video instructor, check this one out.  
  3. Hit the Ground Running - This website proves that HIIT workouts can be performed in multiple realms (neighborhood run, treadmill, bike, pool, etc.). Find the HIIT that works best for you.

Already a HIIT pro? What kind of workouts do you like to do? Comment below to share! :)

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