5 ways to make your day healthier

Hi Y'all! I hope everyone had a fun and eventful weekend! 
Now it's time to hop back into the swing of things... which brings me to the theme of this post:

Mondays have the tendency to be a struggle.

Because of this, we {I} tend to eat a couple, extra sugary-snacks and skip out on a {my} post-work, evening run. If you can relate, the madness stops here. Consider this your first, healthy Monday of the rest of your life. Starting the week off on a healthy foot gives you more stamina to conquer lengthy projects, not to mention, you're far more eager (and likely) to keep-up with your health strides. Power through!!

5 ways to make your day a healthy one:

1. Put down the cinnamon buns. Breakfast truly is a vital part of the day (so don't even think about skipping it). It keeps your energy strong from the get-go and leads you to make healthier decisions throughout the day - think of breakfast as the model for how you want the rest of your day to go. Having trouble trying to decide on something yummy, fueling and healthy to eat for breakfast, click here. The options in the article (click on the link) prove that eating healthy doesn't have to be tasteless.

2. Incorporate exercise. This doesn't mean you need to spend endless hours in the gym or attend fitness class after fitness class a day (some days there's just not enough time); instead, find ways to add a little movement in as you go. Whether it's walking to work, heading for a walk on your lunch break, taking the stairs over the elevator, catching up with friends while on a bike ride or doing jumping jacks after every hour after sitting at a desk, take a few minutes each hour to get your heart rate up!

3. Now that we've covered adding exercise and nutrition into each Monday, bring on the sunshine! Sunlight is pretty ole powerful. It has the ability to reduce stress, as well as regulate appetite, sleep and improve mood... all things crucial for a strong start to the week. So, make sure to open your curtains wide and take any opportunity to spend time outside (even when it appears cloudy) - before you know it, you'll be your own sunshine!  

4. Pump yourself up. It's easy to be a negative self-talker. Not only does this kind of talk bring yourself down, but it also results in health problems - and that's just something we don't want. Next time you're about to be a meany, don't! Cut yourself off by instead reminding yourself how kick-butt you are. Throw on your favorite outfit and put on that pretty smile, positivity lowers rates of depression and stress, increases psychological and physical well-being, and also reduces the risk for cardiovascular problems.

5. Last, but not least, stretch it out. Don't feel like you have to be a yogi to get your stretch on. Even the tiniest stretches can benefit your health and well-being throughout the day. Benefits include: increased flexibility, energy level, range of motion (with joints) and blood circulation throughout the body. Set aside a few minutes a day to stretch your body... even if your at work. Looking for some simple and rejuvenating moves, click here.

Feeling more confident about your day? I surely hope so. Feel free to carry these 5 tips on throughout the work week {they're not solely for Monday}. Also, if you have any additional tips for starting your week off health, comment below. :)

Thank you for reading! 


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