Why you should store your food in the freezer

You know what's fun? Grocery shopping.

I love grocery shopping. Rolling in and out of the aisles and finding yummy treats 
is a great pastime (especially with a latte in hand). I guess this enjoyment comes from being the daughter of a man working in the grocer industry — thanks pops. 

You know what's not fun? Expired food.

We've established my love for food shopping. Now let's discuss my problem with the actual purchasing of weekly groceries. Being a college student, who's not on a meal plan, grocery trips are vital. Unfortunately, buying for one mostly means not finishing that bag of lettuce or handle of milk in time. Even the smallest version of whatever you want to buy always seems to win. It's a vicious race to beat the expiration date. Sure, you could buy certain items to share with your roomies, but it's likely everyone has different preferences (there's actually four different types of milk in the fridge right now) or you just want your food to yourself. You could also just forgo certain foods... nah.

Solution: the freezer. 

Recently, I've been buying frozen veggies for meal sides and frozen fruits for my morning oats. Sure, frozen isn't fresh, but frozen lasts you long time. And saves you money. And it's still fruit and veggies, right? Freezing foods lengthens their timeline — freeze soups, chicken, different cheeses, veggies, bread... freeze it all! 

Try Laura's mix: kale, chard, and spinach mix, combined with 1 banana and a handful of berries and mangoes.
Looking for a healthy, energizing morning meal? Try making smoothie packs! This idea was inspired by my fellow health nut co-worker (xo) and is a perfect way to make use of your grocery buys... without them going bad. Mix your favorite smoothie ingredients in a baggie and throw them in the freezer. The packs will blissfully sit there until you're ready to blend, mix, and feast. 
Perfect for a quick morning meal or post-workout refueling! Enjoy. :) 

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