New York Fashion Week

Was it all a dream?

Last night I attended my first New York Fashion Week show, Tadashi Shoji. The whole experience was too amazing not to share on the blog. Let me start from the very top. 

The night began by rushing out of work and heading straight to my apartment. Becca, my NYFW sidekick, arrived shortly after. The primping was now in full force. A glass of wine and a couple Snapchat pics later, it was time to call a cab. "Toward Penn station, please." We sat in the back seats anxious and extremely giddy. It's not everyday you get to attend Fashion Week! 

The taxi ride threw us a bit of a curveball. With heavy traffic and blocked off streets, we were cutting it pretty close to start time. The driver took us as close to the venue as he could, but we were still a few avenues away. Yes, those are the long blocks. So we did what any girls trying to make it to their first NYFW show on time would do: we ran the avenues in our four inch heels. Relief, we made it. In fact, we were early. I guess 8:00pm means 8:45pm in fashion world... Thank goodness.

Arriving at the building and seeing the NYFW sign lit up gave me immediate chills. Chills that stayed with me throughout the rest of the night. After letting out an excited squeal, we headed inside and took our seats. Four rows back... not too shabby. I sat down beaming from ear-to-ear and taking it all in. The energy of the room was already amazing and the show hadn't even kicked off. Photographers everywhere, people being interviewed, beautiful outfits — I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. 

Everyone scurried to their seats as the lights began to dim. Everything was pitch black, except for two screens at the front of the runway. Here we go! Funky music started playing and the models started strutting. Flashing lights were everywhere, just like you'd imagine. Or maybe more so. Dress after dress passed by and I wanted them all. I even found myself Ooo-ing and Ahhh-ing at the designs like I was at a 4th of July fireworks show. Definitely a newbie to NYFW!


The show felt like it was over in a blink. I wanted an encore! While many people quickly fled the scene, Becca and I took full advantage of the empty runway. Twirling, strutting, and snapping pics, we soaked up every last drop of the moment. What an experience. Definitely a New York night I'll never ever forget. After the show, we continued to channel our inner Carrie Bradshaw and headed to 230 Fifth, a rooftop bar with the most beautiful view of the Empire State Building. We claimed our seats, ordered strawberry champagnes, and admired our city. New York, you'll forever inspire me.


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