13.1 Tips for running a half marathon

Today was the quintessential New York Saturday.

The day began around 10:00am. If you know me, you know this is late and highly unusual. From there, the Keurig was revved and my morning oats were berry-bedazzled. Sure signs of a great day ahead. After lounging in my cozy studio for a bit, I threw on my Asics for a little seven miler. While running has always been my favorite form of exercise, this run was mostly in preparation for a half marathon next weekend. It's my first NYC half, y'all. The best part? My brother is taking a train into the city to run it beside me! 

While I've completed a few half marathons in my day, I'm most excited for this one. It's cheap, simple, in the middle of Central Park, and for a wonderful cause — to beat cancer. Not to mention, perfect timing. Hello, Fall. 

If you've always wanted to run a half marathon, why not do it? You may even find 13.1 to be your new favorite distance...

13.1 Tips for running a half marathon:

1. Register. This is the first and most important step. While it's easy to talk about one day running a half, it's more efficient to go ahead and click that "register" button. Time to make your running dreams come true. 

2. Recruit. Grab a buddy and sign up together. Now, you can train with and motivate each other all the way to the end of that finish line. 

3. Plan. Pick a training plan that fits your skill level. From beginner to intermediate, there's a million plans to pick from on Pinterest. Here are a few of my fave

4. Switch it up. Maybe you have a main running route — I know I do. Try to mix it up. Keeping your routes fresh will allow your body to experience different terrains and prepare you for any race day course.

5. Hydrate. Be your own hydration station, but not just on race day. Be sure to fuel up on water for long run days, as well as the days leading up to the race. Keeping your body hydrated is key.

6. Test run. Practice running with anything you plan to use on race day. If you're running with a water bottle belt, compression socks, energy gels (yes, Gu!), or even a new shirt, it's best to try it once before the big event. This will ensure everything goes as smooth as possible at the race.

7. Body Glide. This is your new BFF. To prevent painful chaffing on race day, buy Body Glide and apply anywhere/everywhere — you'll be thankful you did. Key spots to apply: underarms, inner thighs, waistband. 

8. Prepare. Since races are usually bright and early in the morning, set out everything the night before. SPIBelt, clothes, shoes... pack any of your must-haves for the race to ensure you don't rush out without something. 

9. Pasta party. Ahh, the infamous pasta night. Carb up the night before for extra energy in the morning. Make it a party. Treat this night as a pre-celebration for all that you've accomplished. You're pretty awesome.

10. Don't rush. The amount of people (if it's a large race) and the energy of race day will make you want to start off fast. Don't. Fight the urge to speed off; instead, stick to your normal training speed. You don't want to run out of energy by mile three.

11. Envision the end. We've all heard of the phrase "hitting a wall." Basically, you think you can't go any further. You can. Keep positive vibes flowing through your mind and envision yourself finishing strong. You've trained for this and CAN do it! 

12. Embrace the cheers. There's nothing like the spectators cheering you on during the race. Use their signs, smiles, and WOOO's as that extra boost of energy to help you power through until the end.

13. Congrats & relax. You did it — pat yourself on the back! Now, it's time to relax. Stretch, ice, refuel (water, food, electrolytes), and take it easy the next couple of days. Take an Epsom salt bath. Your body needs to regain all of the energy it expelled. 

13.1. A latte of love. My favorite post-run drink would have to be a latte. It's the perfect pick-me-up. Don't forget to treat yourself for all of your hard work! 

Stay tuned for a recap on my first New York half. As always, thank you for reading!

10 Reasons why you should write a letter

Letters are one of the most precious forms of communication.

There’s something about a handwritten note. Maybe it’s the unique handwriting. You’ll forever be able to decipher your mom’s writing from your dad’s, and you’ll always be able to recognize your grandparents’ penmanship. No two handwritings are the same. Or maybe it’s the amount of thought that goes into it. While some letters are short and to the point, others are lengthy and filled with wonderful memories and thoughts. Regardless, both were given time. Time to reach out to a loved one and let them know that they’re own your mind. A sweet, sweet thought.

When I think back, handwritten letters have always been part of my life. It never failed to excite me when there was an envelope address especially to me in the mailbox. In fact, I frequently wished to be an adult just to receive more of these “letters” in the mail. Kids, turns out they weren’t the fun kind of letters. Seriously though. From keeping up with pen pals and turning classroom cubbies into mailboxes, to writing back-and-forth with relatives and receiving special love notes… there’s never been a letter I haven’t admired.

But where have all of these handwritten notes gone? It seems as though growing older means less time to send out thoughtful messages. Letters have been booted out by Facebook comments and quick texts. While these are both great tools for keeping in touch, they lack the personal, emotional element. Don't you agree? Together, I think we should vow to bring back old school communication. Reach out to old friends from school, send your family members a kind "thank you," or even spark a love interest with your secret admirer. Ya never know.

Before diving in, let me back track a bit. I recently stumbled across a company that sparked this entire blog post idea, Earl Grey & Polka Dots. If you know me, you know that the name of this company alone sounds like my kind of shop: tea + Pinterest-y patterns = love. And it was. EG&PD sells the most adorable stationary, promoting heartfelt and handwritten communication, all while being 100 percent environment friendly. After connecting, the owner was excited to send you all a little perk to help kick-start writing letters: free shipping on any of her products with the code CarolineMeg. *Code is good until the end of the month

10 Reasons why you should write a letter:

1. Writing a letter is personal and very thoughtful. You know that someone spent a good amount of time thinking about you to fill that page with such beautiful words!

2. There's so many cute cards and stationary to choose from — like the ones in my pictures. Click here to make a purchase from Earl Grey & Polka Dots.

3. You can put those ever-forced elementary and middle school cursive lessons to use.

4. Writing about memories (current or old) will put a smile on your face by simply reminiscing. Trust me, if you're smiling, the recipient will likely smile too.

5. It's one of the easiest and the cheapest surprises.

6. You can always SWAK (seal it with a kiss)... which is better than a kissy emoji face, right?

7. There's something about the knowledge of a letter traveling around to get to someone that makes it even better. The letter has been on a little adventure.

8. Letters can be saved forever. In a scrapbook, memory box, or under your pillow... that sucker is here to stay.

9. It's so romantic! Send a letter to your loved one to remind them how you feel about them.

10. There's no maximum characters allotted. You have as much space as you need — add an extra sheet of paper to continue writing until your heart is content. There's no word count on friendship (awwwww)!



New York Fashion Week

Was it all a dream?

Last night I attended my first New York Fashion Week show, Tadashi Shoji. The whole experience was too amazing not to share on the blog. Let me start from the very top. 

The night began by rushing out of work and heading straight to my apartment. Becca, my NYFW sidekick, arrived shortly after. The primping was now in full force. A glass of wine and a couple Snapchat pics later, it was time to call a cab. "Toward Penn station, please." We sat in the back seats anxious and extremely giddy. It's not everyday you get to attend Fashion Week! 

The taxi ride threw us a bit of a curveball. With heavy traffic and blocked off streets, we were cutting it pretty close to start time. The driver took us as close to the venue as he could, but we were still a few avenues away. Yes, those are the long blocks. So we did what any girls trying to make it to their first NYFW show on time would do: we ran the avenues in our four inch heels. Relief, we made it. In fact, we were early. I guess 8:00pm means 8:45pm in fashion world... Thank goodness.

Arriving at the building and seeing the NYFW sign lit up gave me immediate chills. Chills that stayed with me throughout the rest of the night. After letting out an excited squeal, we headed inside and took our seats. Four rows back... not too shabby. I sat down beaming from ear-to-ear and taking it all in. The energy of the room was already amazing and the show hadn't even kicked off. Photographers everywhere, people being interviewed, beautiful outfits — I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. 

Everyone scurried to their seats as the lights began to dim. Everything was pitch black, except for two screens at the front of the runway. Here we go! Funky music started playing and the models started strutting. Flashing lights were everywhere, just like you'd imagine. Or maybe more so. Dress after dress passed by and I wanted them all. I even found myself Ooo-ing and Ahhh-ing at the designs like I was at a 4th of July fireworks show. Definitely a newbie to NYFW!


The show felt like it was over in a blink. I wanted an encore! While many people quickly fled the scene, Becca and I took full advantage of the empty runway. Twirling, strutting, and snapping pics, we soaked up every last drop of the moment. What an experience. Definitely a New York night I'll never ever forget. After the show, we continued to channel our inner Carrie Bradshaw and headed to 230 Fifth, a rooftop bar with the most beautiful view of the Empire State Building. We claimed our seats, ordered strawberry champagnes, and admired our city. New York, you'll forever inspire me.



Sunday Inspiration

Good morning, readers!

Sunday is one of my favorite days of the week — especially this week. Today, I get to spend my Sunday morning in beautiful Virginia, with my two faves. How lucky am I? We have a semi-lengthy to-do list before I fly back to the Big Apple; regardless, nothing quite compares to just being at home and hangin' with the ones you love. 

While Sunday is wonderful, it can also be a bit saddening. Ahem, Monday... Or this week, Tuesday. To prepare for the weekdays ahead, I created a little Sunday inspo board. Hopefully this Pinterest board will help motivate you to conquer the week and be unstoppable.
Make today count!

(Click board to see all of the pictures & follow me on Pinterest)

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