Winter break cleaning: 6 ways to declutter

Right now, I should be studying for my Epidemiology final tomorrow. 

Shockingly, anything sounds better than doing that! What am I doing instead?
Cleaning my apartment room. Honestly, it's sparkling in all of its freshly dusted, vacuumed and Soft Scrubbed beauty. This cleaning, unlike most, is a deep cleaning. One that goes deep in to college past - it's actually kind of fun. I've come across extremely motivational sticky notes from friends (cough, Kellie), old unattended to 'notes to self' and lots of weird, free, game day attire - Go Dukes!

In the midst of my procrastination (yes, I'm still thinking about you, Epi), I'm actually being fairly productive. You see, I'm about to leave for winter break and nothing feels better than coming back to an extra tidy room. Freshly cleaned apartment = fresh start to the semester, right?

Steps to make your room fit and fab-u-lous for your post-winter break return - grab an XL trash bag and let's get to de-cluttering!

1. Start recent. Yesyesyes, I think one of the best feelings is canning your semester-long hard work. If there's anything that you could possibly use for the semester(s) to come, put that material in a separate pile to save - a "save pile." If not, congratulations, this is your first item in the trash bag! This declutter doesn't only encompass tangible items. Feel free to sift through your computer folders and "trash" the unnecessary class material. Isn't this freeing?  

2. Then work your way out. Okay, so you've cleared the most recent school stuff. But what about that "save" pile from last year or the year before that you still haven't used? I think you can tell where I'm getting at with this - can it!          

3. The drawers. I know what's hiding in there - stationary upon stationary, old to-do lists, broken pens. Or maybe that's just me. Regardless, open up your desk drawers and re-organize. Throw away any trash, old notes, broken writing utensils or any items you really don't need/use. We can do this! If you're feeling extra tidy, consider throwing some sections/labels for your pens, paper clips, pushpins, etc.! Done with your desk drawer? Move on to the next storable unit. 

4. The closet. Geez, this one's a toughie. Throw those closet doors open and start somewhere
easy-ish... throw away stained or torn clothing that can no longer even substitute as pajama clothes. From here, make a give-away pile filled with clothes that have gotten too small, too big, or are no longer being worn - this includes the abundance of free, school t-shirts. Don't forget to include purses, hats, scarves and shoes in this clean out too!  

5. The finishing touches. After you've spent some time de-cluttering and re-organizing, it's time to do the real deal cleaning. Dust, vacuum, broom, Windex, Soft Scrub, wash bed sheets, Fabreze, etc.! You know the drill. 

6. Survey the land. Take a good look around (lookin' good, eh?). Since we're entering break, there will be plenty of room for some DIY projects. Find any empty spaces that need some love and let your creativity blossom. Picture wall? Quotes? Fitspiration board? Anything!
Need extra inspiration, follow me on Pinterest!

Enjoy your clean room, well, when you return back to your home away from home.
Thanks for reading! 

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