Healthy meal recipe: baked beet glazed salmon

Hello, hello! 

Long time, no blog. Don't you worry, the distance has only given me time to cook up a few, wonderful ideas about how to enhance "Twenty-Fit and Fab" - stay tuned into the next couple of months! 
As always, if there's any suggestions you have for the blog (article ideas, blog layout, new sections, etc.), don't hesitate to send me an e-mail at

Today's post is a short entry to fulfill my promise from last week's article, "Health drink recipe: watermelon mint fizz" (if you haven't read, the title is hyperlinked)! Though the watermelon mint fizz is simply fabulous on its own, why not pair it with a dish and call it a meal?! 
Today on Courtney's Corner, we'll be doing just that. 
Courtney dished up this fit and fab approved meal for you, that compliments the drink perfectly. Whether you plan to have a girls night in or date night with your man, this meal is impressive, yummy and easy to follow - you'll be Chef Courtney in no time!    
Baked Beet Glazed Salmon with Nectarine and Apple Salsa 
(2 Servings; 20-30 minutes combined prep and cook time)

TWO 4-6 oz Salmon Fillet
1 small Beet, small dice
2 Tablespoons Fresh Orange Juice 
Kosher Salt and Pepper

Preheat oven to  375 degrees

Cut off top and bottom of the beet and remove skin (using a potato peeler). 
Dice the beets into a small dice and place into a sauce pan.
You'll notice your hands are now dyed purple. DON’T FREAK OUT!

Cut orange in half and squeeze 2 tablespoons orange juice into the sauce pan with beets. Take the the half of orange that you just squeezed and rub on hands. Bye Bye stained hands. 
Save other half of orange.

Put sauce pan on stove and cook on a medium - low heat. 
Sprinkle a little salt on the beets while cooking. Stir occasionally until the beets are tender and you have a small amount of dark, purple glaze. Turn off heat.

Brush glaze liberally on top of salmon fillets. SO PRETTY! Season the fillets with salt and pepper.

Place in oven for 8 to 12 minutes. If salmon is over cooked it looses all its color and is very dry. 
What to look for: You will be able to flake salmon with a fork, yet it will place back nicely. 
If the salmon is over done, when it is flaked it will stick up like a mohawk.

1 small nectarine, medium dice
1/2 Granny Smith Apple, small dice
1/8 - 1/4 small red onion, minced
1/4 cucumber, minced
1/4 - 1/2  small jalapeño
1 teaspoon cilantro, minced
1-2 tablespoons fresh orange juice
Kosher Salt and Pepper to taste

Dice first 6 ingredients and add orange juice. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Place reserved beets on a plate. Place salmon on top. THEN Top with Nectarine and Apple Salsa

Pro Tip: Salt is meant to enhance the flavor of the food. When sampling your food and it tastes a little dull, more often than not, it is a salt issue.

We're using Kosher Salt. When using table salt (iodized salt), you must use sparingly. So sparingly. that it sits in your pantry for so long that you have to eventually throw it away :)
Iodized salt tastes very metallic and is a noticeable flavor in food. Yuck. So not Fab.

Healthy drink recipe: watermelon mint fizz

Well, we made it to Thirsty Thursday everyone! 

If you're both thirsty and ready to get your Thursday rollin', I think you'll thoroughly enjoy this article. Before getting into the minty details, I would first like to announce the 
newest edition to Twenty-Fit and Fab:

Drumroll, please... 
Courtney's Corner!

(props to mom for the name idea)

Basically, Courtney is the coolest chef you'll ever meet. She's extremely talented at cooking and can make even the most blah of foods taste spectacular. Since I'm definitely not an expert at cooking, unless you're a fan of oatmeal and pb&j sandwiches, I've decided to leave all things food to the foodie master herself. 
Keep an eye out for Court's latest FIT and FAB recipes under her label, "Courtney's Corner," and enjoy!      

Part 1: Watermelon mint fizz! Check back later this week for the perfect, complimentary meal!  
Watermelon Mint Fizz
(1-2 servings)

3-4 oz Watermelon Juice (FIT)
Juice of 1/2 of lime (FIT)
2-3 leaves of Mint (FIT)
Sparkingling Wine (FAB!)
Agave, optional

First, mince the Mint (chop finely) and put at the bottom of a glass. Take the handle of a wooden spoon and muddle the mint, by placing the HANDLE into the glass and Smooshing (very technical term) the mint to release flavor. 

Then  take the watermelon and place in a bowl. Now is the time to let out a little aggression by smashing the watermelon with the spoon side of the wooden spoon, releasing as much juice as possible. Strain juice into the glass with mint. Top with juice from half of Lime, and Sparking Wine to your taste! Drink!! If it is not as sweet as you would like, add a little agave and lightly stir.


Benefits of eating colorfully

Good morning readers! 

I don't know about y'all, but today is the first sunny day we've had in a while. It was starting to seem like cloudy and rainy was the new summer weather. Today, I plan to spend as much time as possible outdoors; I've gotta soak up the sun. Hope you have some fun, outdoor plans today too!

Today's article is about colors. Yes, I'm talking about the ROY G BIV. Research shows that an individual can get all the nutrients their body needs by eating a plate full of different colors (Fruit Loops don't count). Each color offers a different benefit for the body, while some overlap, check it out: 

Red (watermelon, tomatoes, red cabbage, pink grapefruit) - Redish fruits and veggies usually contain lycopene. This is a strong antioxidant that have been found to lower the risk for cancer. Remember me writing about these in the article about watermelons

Orange & Yellow (carrots, cantaloup, mango, yams, sweet potatoes, squash, apricots) - So, these foods are also rich in an antioxidant, beta-carotene. Beta-carotene, like lycopene, shows a reduced chance for specific cancers. This antioxidant is also the precursor for vitamin A (the skin and eye vitamin)! 

Green (broccoli, kale, collards, spinach, green beans, asparagus) - Like the orange and yellows, greens promote healthy eyes. The lutein (combined with the zeaxanthin) in the foods reduces the risk of chronic eye diseases, including age related macular degeneration and cataracts. 

Blue & Purple (blueberries, blackberries, plums, cherries, purple grapes) - These foods are great sources of anthocyanin. This flavonoid increases your vitamin C levels, which are not only known for boosting the immune system, they also assist in preventing free radicals from damaging the body. Vitamin C also promotes good skin health (including wrinkles).

All in all, eating a rainbow of foods promotes a strong, overall health. Whether it's getting a variety of important vitamins and nutrients into your body or lowering cholesterol, body circumference, chance for cancers and heart disease, eating colorfully certainly doesn't hurt

Challenge: Try filling up your plate with at least three colors during today's meals! Think you can do it? Yeah, you totally can.  

Thanks for reading and enjoy your day!


Healthy college packing list

Hello all my fit and fabulous readers!

Though I hate to admit it, we're quickly approaching the end of summer vacation.
Luckily, this means it's back to college we go! 
Bring on the football tailgates, friends, pool parties, dancing.. and school work, of course. 

Whether this is your first year or last, you're probably aware of how a busy school schedule and social life can easily conflict with your workout routine. Don't let it! New school year, new rules. Starting your year off on a strong {healthy} foot will help you carry your health habits throughout the year - it'll be second nature to squeeze in that 30 to 60 minute gym sesh before your first class. With that being said, I've found that there are a few, must-pack items you won't want to forget when loading up the car this year. Each will help you to kick-start your year and make it the healthiest one yet! Make sure to comment below with any of your favorite, healthy packs. :)

Healthy college packing list:

  • Sneakers and earbuds - Can't forget these! Take them out for a nice stroll around campus. Run to favorite spots or find new adventures. 
  • Yoga mat and free weight - For when Mother Nature strikes or you just feel like having a lazy day. Pull them out in your dorm or apartment and do a quick, at-"home" workout.  
  • Water bottle - Not a class period goes by where everyone's water bottle isn't sitting on their desk. Keep a bottle with you throughout the day to ensure you're getting your daily water needs (an average of eight cups a day). 
  • "Norts" and yoga pants - Need I say more? Throw them on before you head out for the school day. Not only will you have the comfiest class experience, but you'll be more motivated to hit the gym afterwards.
  • Healthy noms - When the snacking urge strikes, it can be easy to reach for the bag of chips or sleeve of cookies. Fill your fridge/pantry with yummy and healthy snacks, such as Boom Chicka Pop (popcorn), Kashi bars, Dang (toasted coconut chips), apples, yogurt, rice cakes and peanut butter... the list is endless.    
  • Fresh flowers (or fake ones) - Add some fresh flowers to your living quarters. The pop of nature will leave you feeling happy and your room looking cute!
  • Mugs and green-tea bags - OK, this may sound granny-ish, but I love ending the day with a spot of tea. Pack these items for relaxation from a hectic day... green tea is packed with healthy benefits too! 
  • Eye mask and bed-side fan - Whether you choose to believe it or not, sleep is crucial for staying on top of school work. Keep these nearby to 1. block the light and 2. mute out any extra noises keeping you up. A good night's sleep is right around the corner! 
  • Bike (and helmet) - If you go to a school with a widespread campus, consider packing your bike! You'll be able to get to class quickly and on your own time. 
Thanks for reading! 


Quick List: 14 Healthy facts about watermelon

Today marks two, pretty important holidays: National Watermelon Day AND my Mom's Birthday

It's really only appropriate that both of these holidays fall on the same day. 
They're both pretty, refreshing, sweet and the favorite amongst their crowds - go mom! go watermelon!

With that being said, I guess you could say that today's post qualifies as, yet another, "Quick List." Aren't these fun?! 

14 Fun facts about watermelon that'll make you want to go celebrate right now: 

  1. Each bite out of a watermelon contains 92 percent water and six percent sugar - the perfect snack that will fill you up and keep you hydrated.
  2. Watermelon can be classified as both a fruit and a vegetable (gasp).
  3. Every inch of a watermelon can be eaten, including the rind and the seeds!
  4. The seeds of the watermelon contain healthy fats and proteins.
  5. They contain significant levels of vitamin A, B6, C, amino acids and even potassium.
  6. There's only 40 to 50 calories in one cup of watermelon.
  7. Watermelon contains high levels of lycopene, a compound found in certain fruits and veggie that's linked to good heart health, bone health and prostate cancer prevention. 
  8. Drinking watermelon juice prior to a hardcore workout helps relieve muscle soreness. 
  9. Because it contains both magnesium and potassium, watermelon reduced blood pressure. 
  10. Watermelons are rich in anti-inflammatory substances, making it, well, an anti-inflammatory. 
  11. Watermelon promotes glowing, fresh skin and healthy hair because of its vitamin A levels.
  12. Worry about heatstroke no more! Watermelon is one of the most effective at reducing heatstroke due to its ability to reduce body temperature and blood pressure. 
  13. Due to the antioxidant power of vitamin C and the overload of lycopene, studies show watermelon to be a potential cancer-preventing food.
  14. Chomp on some watermelon to protect your eye health. The levels of beta carotene, vitamin C, lutein and zeaxanthin will protect your eyes from age related blindness and degeneration.   


6 Benefits of biking

Well everyone, yesterday marked the end of my time interning in DC - a simply wonderful adventure! I've thoroughly enjoyed every second here (minus the uncomfortable mattress #PrincessAndThePea). Everyday, the city is filled with so much excitement; there's always a new area to explore or new view to absorb. I think my most favorite aspect of DC is how active everyone is. You can't step outside without seeing someone running, walking or biking around. It's great.
With so many trails, who wouldn't take advantage of exercising outdoors?! 

I'm certainly going to miss it here, but hopefully I'll be back real soon. 

OK, I'll cut the sappiness and move on to today's {DC inspired} topic: biking
As mentioned above, biking is certainly a big deal in the city - both outdoors and in
(yes, I'm referring to SoulCycle). Though I've definitely always been a runner girl, I'm hoping to fuel my inner biker girl (as in not motorcycling lol).
There's so many benefits of biking; let's take a stroll and check them out.

1. Full-body-sculpting: Aside from having killer, strong glutes and legs (oh my quads), balancing/steering works both your core and upper body as well. 

2. Joint-saving: Constant pounding on your feet can wear-n-tear your joints and knees. On the other hand, pedaling on a bike keeps the stress off of your joints. Adjust your bike so that your knee is at a 25 to 30 degree angle; this ensures an easier ride for both you and your knees.

4. Calorie-torching: You can burn some serious calories cycling, especially if you ride at a fast speed and include some hills too. Wanna see an estimate of how many calories you'll burn while cycling? Click here for a Calorie Calculator! Just type in your speed, duration and weight, then press "calculate." 

5. Commuting: While walking acts as a great mode of transportation, biking allows you to commute further, at a faster rate. DC even offers a biking service that allows anyone in the area to rent a bike. Rent for the day or rent for the year, click here for more details about Capital Bikeshare.     

6. Energy-boosting: In general, exercise boosts your energy - so, add cycling to the list. If you're getting in a workout rut and need to switch things up a bit, give biking a go! 

Thanks for reading!
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