First things first, be the dancing queen.
Now this is one rule I can most certainly obey. When the
music starts playin’, Caroline starts groovin’! The best part is, shaking what
our momma gave us and cha-cha-sliding across the dance floor makes for one heck
of a workout. Dancing for an hour can burn about 443
calories—that’s right up there with your weekend run. Assuming that most every
wedding reception last longer than an hour, it’s likely that you’ll get a nice
workout in without even realizing it. Fun, right?!
Say “no” to the roll.
Confession: I broke
this rule last night, but I’m mentally prepared for round two this weekend.
There’s a strong chance that there’ll be bread-galore at any special event…
bread with butter, bread with cheese, garlic bread, dinner rolls, etc… stop
drooling. Instead, we should be aware of the nutritional benefits that these
white breads have to offer: nothing.
“White bread offers additional
calories without providing any vitamin, minerals or heart healthy fiber. White
bread will spike your blood sugar, only leaving you feeling tired shortly
after.” You can’t be feeling tired when you’ve got dancing to do; besides,
skipping the bread options allows for more room to taste-test a little bit of wedding cake!
Everyone’s favorite part: open-bar.
So maybe it’s not everyone’s
favorite part, but regardless, alcoholic beverages are likely to be consumed in
large amounts during wedding receptions. If this doesn’t apply to you, you may
skip this portion of the article. If it does, hold tight. Alcoholic drinks are
sneaky… they reel you in (making you drink more than one or two glasses), then
send your caloric intake skyrocketing. Click here
to see some super yummy and low-cal options (under 200 calories) to order at
the bar. Aside from calories, it is important to rotate between alcoholic
drinks and water to stay hydrated
and prevent a nasty hang over.
When you’re hungry…
It’s a good rule of thumb to munch on a small snack prior
to heading to the wedding ceremony. Giving yourself a little something
before the service will prevent you from becoming ravenous and ready to inhale
the entire food table at the reception. Once you have successfully made it
through the ceremony with a quiet tummy, you are ready to pick wisely at the
reception! Go for the lean meat options available (grilled chicken,
turkey, fish, shrimp, etc), as well as veggies and dip—both raw and
cooked veggies. All of these options are packed with protein and fiber, which
will leave you feeling full and not too
stuffed for the rest of the night.
Do you have any tips to add to my list? Comment below!
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