A healthier Chipotle experience

If we aren’t noming on Ramen, fruit swiped from the dining halls or mac-n-cheese cups, we are chomping on the wonderful creation known as the “burrito bowl.” That’s right, this article is about the staple college meal, Chipotle. Although we may hate to admit it, those frequent burrito trips can add up in a week’s time and create a higher-calorie intake than necessary. Since I’m sure we’re aware of the health concerns associated with one-too-many burrito bowls (and I refuse to bash on something so yummy), I instead want to commend Chipotle on their healthy options. Take this information into consideration on your next dinner-date outing with your true love, burrito bowl. 

1.  Protein: The make-up of a burrito bowl contains a high percentage of—yup, you guessed it—meat! With a choice of chicken, steak, carnitas and barbacoa, there’s no doubt that your meal will be protein-packed. Each option mentioned supplies your body with well over 20 grams of protein—that’s way more than enough protein for a day. Protein is crucial for development of muscle, bone, cartilage, skin and blood; it also plays an important role in building and repairing body tissues.

*Chipotle is “G-M-Over it.” To read more about GMO’s, click here.

2.  Bye bread: The great thing about the burrito bowl is it’s bread-free. Because the signature Chipotle tortilla wrap is about 300 calories of carbohydrates, ordering a breadless-bowl makes for a healthier visit. The same holds true for the unfortunately scrumptious tortilla chips. Chipotle gets ya with there 570 calorie chips—don’t let them fool you. I can guarantee that you’ll leave feeling more than stuffed without even ordering chips; save the money, save the calories. 

3.  Prioritize the veggies: Vegetables are my favorite ingredients to add to the bowl, especially fajita veggies and beans. Deciding to “prioritize your veggies” within your burrito bowl allows you to fill up on food that’s high in nutrients, while low in fat and calories (eat up!). Because they’re also green and plant-based, it should be noted that avocados are a “powerhouse of nutrients.” Though they’re often high in {good} calories, avocados win when it comes to dietary value… especially compared to sour cream and cheese topping, you can go ahead and forgo those additives.

 4.  Slice it in half: My last and favorite rule that I try to live by deals with portioning: half your meal and save it for the next day. This rule holds great with burrito bowls… they’re even better the second day. Seriously though, cutting your meal in half to save (either mentally or physically) will keep you from over-indulging and feeling disgustingly stuffed the rest of the day. So go ahead, box that bad boy up and put him in the fridge. J

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