I’ve learned more in 4 weeks in NYC than I learned in 4 years at college.
It’s true — here's a quick recap. Maybe you knew or maybe you didn't, but after graduation I packed my bags and headed straight to the Big Apple. Quite a change of scenery for this Virginia girl. Why NYC? I was en route for a summer internship with my all-time favorite health and fitness magazine, Women’s Health Magazine. My visit was originally scheduled to last for a few months, but within a few weeks of interning, that timeline quickly changed (eek!). Now, I’m a full-time, working woman – Women’s Health‘s newest employee!
You could say these past few weeks have been a whirlwind. They truly have been. A wonderful whirlwind though, filled with extreme self-growth — exploring a huge city with new customs, learning the ropes of my first job and signing for my very own apartment — I've never felt more independent in my life. I l-o-v-e it. Some days are certainly more stressful than others, but all in all, I'm extremely happy and thankful to be at this moment in my life.
Which brings me to today's topic: adulting
(well, what I've quickly realized... definitely not a pro at this adult thing)
1. Where did my money go? A question I've asked myself quite frequently the past few weeks. Turns out, those iced coffees, lunchtime salads, fun with friends and, oh, rent adds up. The New York prices don't exactly help either. Once I caught onto this, I quickly adjusted. Whether it's packing lunches for break or utilizing the office coffee machine, saving some extra dollars here and there can be much easier than you may think (even in NYC).
2. Free as a bird. It's true, my level of independence has sky-rocketed. While I always felt independent in college, it's certainly intensified. Living on your own, in a whole new area, really forces you to adjust and grow — increasing both awareness and decision-making. You're on your own schedule now, picking and choosing how you want to make each day.
3. Time is key. Time is extra important to me nowadays. With the majority of the day spent at work, the hours outside should be for you! Do things on the weekends that you enjoy. Don't waste you-time by scheduling unwanted plans.
4. Patience. Remember that feeling, way back at the beginning of college? Your first final exam, first office hours visit, first lab? Remember how the seniors seemed to have it all together, while you were doing your best to catch up? That's the beginning of adulting in a nutshell. I've been told, from a wise source or two, that soon we'll feel like the seniors again. Or at least juniors.
5. If you walk to work, wear good shoes and pack deodorant. That's all.
6. Brand names aren't all that and a bag of chips. It's easy to get swept away in the brand name game. From clothes to gyms — when everybody is raving, take a step back. Know that there's always plenty of other great options that usually cost a fraction of the price. Do some research before diving straight toward the talk.
7. Have confidence. In yourself and in your capabilities. TWENTY-SOMETHINGS FOR THE WIN! Still feeling down or frustrated? Call a loved one who can give a mean pep talk (you know who you are).
8. Exercise. Likely, you've never completed a run or workout session feeling upset. For me, exercising is a must. Now more than ever. It boosts my mood, self-confidence and really helps to put things in perspective. Sure, it may not be enjoyable sometimes, but it's important. So, get out there and get your 30 minutes — you won't regret it.
9. Stay connected. Sometimes, during a bunch of crazy changes, you need that sense of familiarity. You need your home. Text, call, FaceTime, Facebook... stay in-touch with your squad frequently. Heck, even have them come visit. It's fun to hear about each other's latest life adventures. XO